
SGP Subbasin Monitoring Wells
Your tax dollars at work - Cabazon Site
SGP Subbasin Monitoring Wells
Well Driller at the Cabazon site
Crafton Hills Reservoir
Construction of a half-mile long, 48-inch diameter pipeline connecting the existing EBX Pipeline with the existing Yucaipa Pipeline.
Crafton Hills Reservoir
The Crafton Hills Reservoir will include a bypass pipeline around the reservoir.
Crafton Hills Reservoir
2014 Crafton Hills Reservoir Refill
Brookside Recharge Facility Pipeline Project
Installation of pipeline connecting the ponds to the East Branch Extension under Orchard Street
Field well maintenance
Out in the field well maintenance.
Well measuring
Regular maintenance of wells.
Measuring well depth.
Citrus Reservoir & Pump Station
Part of the EBX Phase II, placed in service in April 2017
Citrus Reservoir
Reservoir has storage capacity of approximately 560 acre-feet and a surface area of about 18 acres.
Cherry Valley Pump Station
Cherry Valley Pump Plant will be enlarged from 32 cfs to 52 cfs.
Cherry Valley Pump Station
Pump install at the Cherry Valley Pump Station.
Cherry Valley Pump Station
One of three pump stations in the East Branch Extension.
Brookside Recharge Facility
This facility will help to drought-proof the region by adding the ability to store more water in our local aquifers.
Citrus Reservoir Aerial
Aerial view of the Citrus Reservoir
Sites Reservoir

SGPWA is the third largest investor in the Sites Reservoir Project, which will increase the flexibility, reliability and resiliency of water supplies throughout the state and improve operational effectiveness of the State Water Project (SWP). The project will capture 1.5-million-acre feet of excess water from major storms and flows from the Sacramento River for release in dry and critical years. Participating in the Sites Reservoir will ensure a sustainable water supply for our region for generations to come. Click here to learn more.

Delta Conveyance Project

SGPWA invests in water supply and diversification projects such as the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP), a SWP infrastructure endeavor in the vast network of waterways comprising the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta). The DCP collects and moves fresh affordable water to homes, farms and businesses throughout major regions of the state from the Bay Area to southern California. Investing in legacy projects like the DCP allows SGPWA to continue filling our basins and storing excess water for droughts and emergencies. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is the owner and operator of the SWP and is responsible for all associated upgrades and maintenance of the DCP. Click here to learn more.

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