General Water Conservation
- Be Water Wise
- EPA – Water Sense
- Save Our Water
- State Water Resources Control Board
- DWR Water News
- Water Reuse Association – A Thirsty Planet
- Water Use it Wisely
- WMWD – Water Saving Tips
- Next Generation Conservation
- Inland Empire Resource Conservation District
- Inland Empire Water Saving Garden Friendly
- Save our Water – Drought Gardening Tips
- Inland Valley Garden Planner
Kids Water Conservation

The Agency recognizes that water conservation is a key component in our water supply portfolio. Our water conservation and education master plan acknowledges that water education is at the heart of water conservation. The Agency feels that residents and business will be more likely to conserve water when they understand how important it is, how prone we are to shortages, and how far our water has to travel in order to get to the Pass.
In our region, nearly two-thirds of the water used in any residence is exterior use—for irrigation, car washing, etc. It is important that future development in the Pass include water-conserving landscaping, “smart” irrigation controllers, and other outdoor water use efficiency techniques. It is important for the public to understand that a yard can be attractive while at the same time using water efficiently.
Water conservation ordinances adopted by Riverside County, and by cities throughout the County, recognize this. Residents of the Pass may contact their local land use planning agency (a city or, in unincorporated areas, the County) to get a copy of the local water conservation ordinance.
By state law, water purveyors throughout the state must reduce their water use 20% between 2010 and 2020. This is a daunting task for water agencies, and they are devising methods to get the word out to the public to make this task easier.
In Spring 2009, the Agency relandscaped its front yard, taking out all the grass and replacing it with a combination of water-efficient landscaping and artificial turf. In 2011, the Agency did the same with its back yard.